According to Article 6 of the  French law n° 2004-575 of the 21st June 2004 for the truth in digital economy, it is precise to users of the website the identity of the different contributors among its realisation and its monitoring.

This site, accessible at the URL (the "Site"), is published by :

  • SETIPP, a company with a capital of 1,000,000 euros, registered in the R.C.S. of TOURS under the number Tours B 334 427 044
  • Head office is located at 178 Avenue André Maginot, 37000 TOURS, France
  • Responsible for publication : JULIEN ROUSSEAU (CEO), duly authorized
  • Responsible for creation: Rodolphe CHAVANON (Marketing and Communication Manager)
  • The individual VAT number of the publisher is : FR 56 334427044

1/ Website General Conditions of Use and offered solutions

The use of the website involves the full acceptance of general conditions of use list below. These conditions of use can be modified or completed at any time, users of the website are invited to consult them frequently.

You can reach the website at any time. An interruption for technical maintenance can be decided by, which will communicate in advance.

The website is frequently updated by the Beepiz company team. In the same way, legal notice can be modified at any time : they are imposed on the user who is invited to check them as often as he can.

2/ Users information

User information collected through the contact and download forms on the website is subject to computer processing and will be kept by Beepiz, which may contact you to offer you new documents, products or services.

In accordance with the French law "Informatique et Libertés" of January 6, 1978, modified in 2004, you have the right to access, rectify, modify and delete your personal data. You can exercise this right by sending an e-mail to, specifying "personal rights" in the subject line and attaching a photocopy of your proof of identity. You can also refuse the processing of your data and request the deletion of your information from our databases by the same means.

3/ Intellectual property and counterfeits

Beepiz is the owner of the intellectual property rights or holds the rights of use on all the elements accessible on the site, notably the texts, images, graphics, logos, icons, videos, sounds and software.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, or adaptation of all or part of the elements of the site, regardless of the means or process used, is prohibited, except with the prior written authorization of : Beepiz.

Any unauthorized use of the site or any of the elements it contains will be considered as constituting an infringement and prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 and followings of the Intellectual Property Code (French Law).

4/ Limitation of responsibility

Beepiz cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused to the user's equipment when accessing the Beepiz website and resulting either from the use of equipment that does not meet the specifications indicated in point 4, or from the appearance of a bug or an incompatibility.

Beepiz cannot be held responsible for indirect damages (such as loss of market or loss of opportunity) resulting from the use of the website.

Interactive areas (possibility to ask questions in the "Contact Us" space) are available to users.

Beepiz reserves the right to delete, without prior notice, any content posted in this area that contravenes the legislation applicable in France, in particular the provisions relating to data protection. If necessary, Beepiz also reserves the right to hold the user civilly and/or criminally liable, particularly in the event of messages of a racist, insulting, defamatory, or pornographic nature, regardless of the medium used (text, photographs, etc.).

5/ Personal datas collection

In any case, Beepiz collects personal information about the user only for its activity. The user provides this information with full knowledge of the facts, particularly when he or she enters it. No personal information of the user of the website is published without the user's knowledge, exchanged, transferred, ceded or sold on any medium whatsoever to third parties. Only the assumption of the purchase of Beepiz and its rights would allow the transmission of the said information to the eventual buyer who would in turn be bound by the same obligation of conservation and modification of the data with respect to the user of the website.

The processing of your personal data is governed by our Privacy Charter in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 ("GDPR"). 

You have a right to access, query, modify and delete information concerning you, to be exercised at any time with the Editor by post at the following address: 178 Avenue Maginot, 37100 TOURS, or by email (

6/ Hypertext links and cookies

The website contains a certain number of hyperlinks to other sites, set up with the authorization of Beepiz. However, Beepiz does not have the possibility to check the content of these websites, and will not assume any responsibility consequently. 

Browsing the website may result in the installation of cookies on the user's computer. A cookie is a small file, which does not allow the identification of the user, but which records information relating to the navigation of a computer on a site. The data thus obtained is intended to facilitate subsequent navigation on the site, and is also intended to allow various measures of frequentation (statistics, display).

We use cookies from the following services: Google Analytics, Hotjar, Hubspot, Google Ads and LinkedIn. The data and statistics that we collect through these cookies are used for the sole purpose of improving the quality of our services and to better meet the needs of our users.

Refusal to install a cookie may result in the inability to access certain services. However, the user can refuse the installation of cookies.

7/ Applicable law and attribution of jurisdiction

Any litigation with the use of the website is submitted to the French Law. Exclusive jurisdiction is attributed to the competent courts of Paris.

8/ Lexical

User : Internet user who is connecting to the website, mentioned above.

Personal information « Information which allows in any case, directly or not, the identification of physical people to whom they are applicable » (article 4 of the french law n° 78-17 - January, 6  1978).