Benefit from our Beepiz app, which allows you to be constantly connected to the emergency services and company managers. If anything happens, be sure that the emergency services will be able to act as fast as possible. Indoor and outdoor, in the case of an emergency, Beepiz will locate you and share the relevant information with the emergency services.
Adapted to all workers and their working time
To avoid unwanted alerts, which can happen too often with competitor's lone worker devices, Beepiz has launched a 100% customisable app, which customises the sensitivity of the detection depending on the type of works. This setting allows not only customisation of the sensitivity of the detection depending on the type of works, but also permits temporarily deactivation of functions for unhabitual tasks. For example, when a lone worker needs to be stretchered out, a connected watch can be used to detect the user's movement.
Limit the psycho-social risks
With a continuous contact with managers and emergency services, Beepiz fights against stress and loneliness feeling or abandon. Beepiz is a reassurance of connection in all kinds of situations. In the workplace where the Risk of Work-related Violence and Aggression is high (delivery men, meter readers, technical services etc.) having a lone worker protection app like Beepiz, guarantees being rescued as fast as possible. If you are unconscious, an alert will be sent automatically. All of this contributes to reducing stress and creating a good work atmosphere.
One device for plenty of services
Beepiz our lone worker protection app, is available on your smartphone. The development on a mobile phone is more reliable, because every year, mobile phones are sold more than a million times. Thanks to that, smartphones perform very well, and improve the automatic detections of our lone worker app.
Save time
If the company requests it, Beepiz can also be used to count working hours. Done automatically, you will save time when doing your lone workers' payslips.
Management team protection
Legal protection
According to the law, you must provide a lone worker protection device to your lone workers or high-risk level workers. Beepiz answers to this law by developing an efficient lone worker app respecting the law. (Red button available, direct link to inform the emergency services…). Hierarchical managers protect their lone workers and at the same time they are in conformity with the legislation.
Instant data and data history
Thanks to complete customer portal, you will get access very easily to all information you may need to manage the solution correctly. You can follow instantaneously the devices while getting access to the use of ordered datas.
Beepiz used as a key performance indicator
Thanks to customer portal, you will get access to dashboards of the solution. You can analyse datas with various criteria: the name, the agency, geographical area. Beepiz can become a new key performance indicator.
Company protection
Positive business image
By choosing to offer a complete and efficient lone worker protection device to your employees, it participates to improve the Corporate reputation and can receive effective communication. Between a more attractive brand’s company and an efficient work atmosphere, Beepiz also gives social responsibility to the company.
Indirect protection of the company reputation
The company image is protected. By choosing Beepiz, you can avoid the very negative effect of a lone worker accident, who could not have been rescued by the emergency services and get first aid he needed in a minimum of time.
To discover how the Beepiz app works, click on the button just below :