EDITION 2021.2
Discover here all the new features of this Edition
Beepiz Protect Label, Beepizers nearby, new patrol feature...

Beepizers nearby
To reduce the time of intervention in case of an accident, we launched a new features called "Beepizers nearby"! In case of an accident, the beepizers near the injured worker are indicated in the detailed alert. Managers can ask the closest lone worker for help.
Beepiz Protect Label
For this Edition, we have created a label called "Beepiz Protect". It puts forward companies which are taking care of lone worker safety. 3 different labels exist: bronze, silver and gold. To get these labels, you must answer to various criteria. Once you got it, you can use this label to communicate and it can help you to get the ISO 45001, concerning Health and Safety at Work.

Notification management
Message broadcast is a feature which allows you to send customized messages from the portal, in form of push notification to several devices simultaneously. Since this update, it is possible to refine the list of recipients of the alert by selecting profiles, groups or devices of your choice. Moreover, the supervisor can check the last notifications at any time on his customer portal.
New languages
To protect lone workers around the world, Beepiz has released 10 new languages on its application for this Edition.

Patrol feature improved
This feature allow you to realize patrols with your Beepiz app. For this Edition, we improved it, a simple pressure is enough to select the patrol that has to be carried out or consult the list of checking points. Moreover, at each checked point, information are displayed on the screen. Finally, when the worker finishes his patrol, he will receive a notification.
For managers, on the portal it has been made easier to consult patrols which have been done.
Beepiz video tutorials
For this update, our users can find as usual new dedicated tutorials on their management portal!