Discover our remote button for sending voluntary alerts. The SOS button, which works in association with the application, allows you to send an SOS or attack alert in one gesture. It is suitable for several types of jobs such as municipal agents, maintenance, security, reception or even technicians or hospital staff.

An accessory for the protection of lone workers
Combined with the Beepiz application, this PTI accessory ensures the safety of your isolated workers by allowing them to simply and quickly trigger an alert in the event of a problem. It is suitable for several types of professions such as municipal agents, maintenance, security, reception or even technicians or hospital staff.

A 3 in 1 accessory
3 ways to wear it
In the pocket
As a bracelet
As a medal

Long lasting battery
Practicality & power
Battery life up to 30 days
Charging time 2 / 3h
Mganetic charging
Unfailing efficiency
Waterproof (IP66)
Can handle from -20°C to 50°C

Performant accessory
Sends vibrations
Long range (up to 100m)
Small and light (11g)
How does it work?
Simple pressure
To test the pairing
Double pressure
To send a SOS alert
Triple pressure
To send an attack alert